Dr. Kihoko Tokue, co-founder of Leave a Nest Malaysia will be giving career design talks

Leave a Nest Group was originally founded in Japan in 2002 by the scientists in Tokyo, Japan to solve issues with the power of Science and Technology. Since then it has expanded its business to the US, Singapore, Malaysia, UK and the Philippines.
On 21 September 2021, Dr. Kihoko Tokue will be giving a career design presentation (10:10-10:40 Malaysia time) in a session within MJIIT Virtual Japanese Companies Career Fair. The session is also joined by JAC recruitment, SINFONIA Consultants, Sumitomo Electric Sintered Components, Truspire and Hitachi Asia (Malaysia). Kihoko founded Leave a Nest Malaysia in 2013, after joining Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. in 2011. Currently, Leave a Nest Malaysia has youngest managing director of Leave a Nest Group, Mr. Hakim Sahidi who happens to be a MJIIT graduate.
On the day she will be sharing about the Leave a Nest group, her career so far and how researchers have various ways to contribute back to society in a presentation titled “design your career with Japanese vision-driven startups”.
Our mission is to bring “Advancing Science and Technology for Global Happiness” Our pillar covers, education, research support, training and startup support to bring solutions into society.
Leave a Nest group is hiring all year around so we can grow together with you. If you are keen to explore opportunities in the tough yet exciting journey of building startups with our local members, come join us.
We are open to give such career design talks to share and aim to inspire next generation leaders from ASIA for career designs (development), how researchers can benefit from having an entrepreneurial mindset etc.
For more information please contact us