Ms. Marshila from Leave a Nest Malaysia gave presentation as an awardee at APPF 2017 last week

Last week, one of the core members from Leave a Nest Malaysia, Ms. Marshila together with her teammates, Algal Biomass (Alumni of TECH PLANTER in MALAYSIA 2016) and their supervisor, Assoc Prof. Dr. Koji Iwamoto represented Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to present each of their research projects. She was presented her research study with the title ‘Induction of Astaxanthin Accumulation using Black Light in Coelastrum sp. and Monoraphidium sp. Isolated from Malaysia’. Her research topic is about isolation and cultivation of microalgae species in Malaysia’s environment as Malaysia has a hot and humid weather throughout the year, it is a suitable place for the cultivation. In her research, 2 species (Coelastrum and Monoraphidium) were isolated from brackish water at Kuala Selangor and characterize the astaxanthin production by induction of black light. The result showed Coelastrum is a potential candidate for the production of astaxanthin when induced with black light as it showed 5.4 fold increase compared to control condition.
Moreover, this conference offered 3 local students award for the best abstract and Ms. Marshila was one of the lists and her teammate, Ms.Noraiza also won the best oral presenter during the conference, congratulation! ‘I am going to admit that I've found the whole conference experience amazing, such a privilege for me to be able to attend. It was a great pleasure and opportunity to be able to hear and meet with algae expert around the world and have knowledge on what the current research trends in algae world’, Ms. Marshila said. She also had a chance to greet and meet with Emeritus Professor Michael Borowitzka Head of Murdoch Algae Research Centre! He is the expert in Algae Phycology and the editor of chief for Journal of Applied Phycology. His encourage in the way that small things (algae) can make a bigger change in the world.
As a Leave a Nest member, she also represented as a Science bridge communicator at the conference, introducing the vision and mission of what Leave a Nest holds. Leave a Nest is a knowledge-based platform that didn’t stop the researcher to achieve their passion and always encourage people in science and technology education. Here, researcher never stop doing research about their project and even share the knowledge to the young people through workshop & seminar, like killing 2 birds with one stone!
Like in this article, we can see that even Ms. Marshila is working at Leave a Nest, she can still continue her research by bringing her passion into the company with a mission in ‘Advancing Science and Technology for Global Happiness’.
If you are one of the passionate researchers, please come and join us in achieving the mission together!
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