Leave a Nest takes partnership with open access journal “Science Postprint”

Leave a Nest (Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yukihiro Maru) partners with General Healthcare, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shinichiro Takezawa), the operator of the academic journal, Science Postprint, and aim to establish the largest journal in Asia, South America, and African countries, offering grant for developing countries in Asia and Africa.
The leading Japanese Science Venture company who is expanding their researchers network in South East Asia with their local subsidiary companies (Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Leave a Nest Singapore Private Ltd.) has recently established an award for researchers in Asia, South America, and African countries (See References) to help strengthen the academic and industry aspects of that country and help train scientists through the “Leave a Nest research fund Science Postprint Award”.
General Healthcare started Asia’s first comprehensive magazine called, “Science Postprint”, in October 2013. The paper submission fee would be determined by the GDP of the country of which the researcher is in. Country with low GDP would hence find it easier to submit an article to a journal. In addition, if the submitted article has high number of quotations and high impact factor, submission fees are returned to the authors and they would also get an award. The evaluation of the paper is performed under a new method whereby it is done by well-known scientists from around the globe. This would be a journal to look out for as it brings about new ways to contribute to the development of science and technology.
“Leave a Nest research fund Science Postprint Award” would be accessing the first author or the person-in-charge from Asia, South America, or African countries. Submitted articles which have high possibility for application processes would be selected via a judge panel established by Leave a Nest. Through this platform, we aspire to identify useful researches from in Asia and Africa leading to the facilitation of science and technology development .
【Reference URL】
Leave a Nest Grant Science Postprint award
◆About Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
1. Company’s Name:Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
2. CEO:Yukihiro Maru
3. Address:Iidabashi Miyuki Bldg. 5, 1-4 Shimomiyabi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 162-0822
4. URL: lne.st/
◆About General Healthcare
1. Company’s Name:General Healthcare Inc.
2. CEO:Shinichiro Takazawa
3. Adress:Suzuwa Bldg. 7, 5-2-3 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 111-0053
4. URL: www.ghjapan.jp/
<Contact Us>
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
HIrioyuki Takahashi
E-mail:[email protected]
General Healthcare Inc.
Shinichiro Takezawa
E-mail:[email protected]