Starting an incubation of food and agriculture startups at the Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Leave a Nest has launched a research facility of the Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (hereinafter referred to as IAFF) , then started an incubation business for food and agriculture startups. Leave a Nest has strategically closed the Agri Garage Laboratory and Industrial Engineering Laboratory, and brought the functions to Agrinome Lab. Inc (Representative Director : Yosuke Miyauchi).
In line with this reorganization, the research facility of the IAFF was newly established in the Hamano Products Plant No. 1 in Sumida region, Tokyo.
In 2010, Leave a Nest established the Industrial Engineering Laboratory (formerly Okinawa Office) in Okinawa Prefecture with the aim of solving problems in the field of livestock production, and has accelerated research and development focused on livestock production technology, including the development of stable production technology for eco-feed and local Jidori chicken such as white liver utilizing food residue.
We also opened the Agri Garage Laboratory in 2016 as a fully artificially-lit plant factory utilizing a vacant factory in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, after being selected for the “Machikoba Shokuzukuri” (meaning Creating Jobs for Superfactories) project for the development of a new manufacturing creation base in 2015. Since then, we have introduced processing equipment for cultivated crops, worked on food development with local companies, and promoted research that contributes to the exploration and effective use of plant potential, food, and nutrition.
In 2019, we established Agrinome Lab. Inc as a subsidiary, which aims to achieve sustainable food production through the realization of fully-recirculating agriculture, and we are working to solve issues in food production through our agri-data analysis and circular economy businesses.
We are pleased to announce that the research facilities and research functions of the Agri Garage Research Institute and the Industrial Engineering Laboratory will be strategically transferred to Agrinorm Research Institute, Inc. from May 1, 2021.
From now on, the food and agri-related research functions of Leave a Nest will be consolidated into the IAFF. In addition to agriculture, forestry, livestock breeding, and fisheries, the IAFF will promote research and technology development in multiple fields that will lead to solutions to food production issues, such as manufacturing, biotechnology, and processing and preservation technology, together with universities, companies, and startups.
We also have experimental facilities that can be used by seed and early-stage food and agriculture startups, as well as a system for providing R&D support and mentoring for commercialization. We will support the launch of startups that will change the world.
If you are a startup interested in moving in, please contact us.
Inquiry : [email protected]
Japanese website of Agrinome Lab. Inc :