HOME > > JAPAN > [Leave a Nest 20th Anniversary Project・Part 11] Paulownia Clock and Machined Aluminum Pen as Commemorative Gifts

[Leave a Nest 20th Anniversary Project・Part 11] Paulownia Clock and Machined Aluminum Pen as Commemorative Gifts

[Leave a Nest 20th Anniversary Project・Part 11] Paulownia Clock and Machined Aluminum Pen as Commemorative Gifts

Leave a Nest has produced a paulownia clock and a ballpoint pen made of machined aluminum in commemoration of its 20th anniversary. The paulownia clock was unveiled at the 20th anniversary party, Station Section, held on 14 June 2022.

1) Paulownia Clock

A time capsule was buried in the family home of President Maru in 2007, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the company. In 2021, the paulownia tree planted there had finally grown large enough to be cut down to make this commemorative clock. The production was commissioned to Super Factory Group's Hamano Products Co., Ltd. and Manaka-Mokkousho Inc. The corporate logo is laser-engraved on the front, and the philosophy of Leave a Nest, “Advancing Science and Technology for Global Happiness,” is laser-engraved on the back. Although the shape and grain of each piece is different, they are all made from a single tree and share the same DNA.

“Clock Building, not Time Telling”, a concept described in Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies is very dear to Leave a Nest. This paulownia clock, which expresses this idea, is a commemorative gift that fully expresses the appeal of Leave a Nest Group, which shares this philosophy and gives importance to diversity.

You can enjoy a video summarizing the unveiling at the party.


Hamano Products Co., Ltd. (Sumida-ku, Tokyo): established in September 1978. Capital: 15 million yen. Representative Director: Keiichi Hamano. The company has advanced manufacturing technologies centered on sheet metal, rack and chassis design, various assembly processes, precision sheet metal processing and laser processing, metal stamping die fabrication, metal stamping, cutting and machining, composite processing, development and design, prototype fabrication, etc. In 2014, the company opened Garage Sumida, a comprehensive manufacturing support facility, to provide prototype development and mass production support for various technology ventures. In 2016, it entered into a capital tie-up with Leave a Nest.

2) Machined Aluminum Ballpoint Pen

All body parts of this aluminum ballpoint pen are machined from solid aluminum using a CNC lathe. In addition, each pen is a one-of-a-kind commemorative gift with the name of each Leave a Nest member engraved on it. The production was commissioned to Seiko Seimitsu Co., Ltd. of the Super Factory Group, and is a customized version of the completely machined ballpoint pen “Irodori“, on sale since 2020.

Seiko Seimitsu Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Osaka City): founded in September 2001, established in July 2007. Representative Director: Hironori Takamitsu. Since its founding, the company has enhanced its technological capabilities by confidently taking orders for precision machined products that are difficult for other companies to produce, and it promptly provides prototype parts for industrial machinery on the strength of its “flexibility in never saying it can't be done”. In March 2017, it began a business collaboration with Leave a Nest, and in April 2018 it established Garage Minato (Minato-ku, Osaka City), a manufacturing support facility to help researchers, engineers, venture companies, and others give full-scale shape to their ideas and cutting-edge technologies. In November 2018, it entered into a capital tie-up with Leave a Nest.


For inquiries regarding this matter

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Corporate Planning Office
Attn: Akinaga info@Lne.st