Dr. Yukihiro Maru, Founder and Group CEO of Leave a Nest, appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of Euglena Co., Ltd.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Yukihiro Maru, Founder and Group CEO of Leave a Nest has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board as part of the new executive structure of Euglena Co., Ltd.(Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Mitsuru Izumo).
Press release from Euglena: https://www.euglena.jp/en/news/20240118-2-2/
Dr. Maru has been appointed as a professional officer (part-time) CRO (Chief Research & Development Officer) of Euglena since January 2022, and has been working on strengthening it’s R&D structure and expanding the company into Southeast Asia.
Now, Euglena established a Scientific Advisory Board of R&D specialists as an advisory body to the Co-CEO from the viewpoint of deepening the R&D centered on knowledge of microalgae and accelerating science-based management and business operations.
With this new structure, Dr. Maru as been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board in transition from CRO. He will contribute to both of R&D and its social implementation by leveraging his expertise in algae research and experience in fostering technology seeds for numerous venture companies.
<Dr. Maru's Comment>
Euglena And I had held technical discussions even before its establishment. And since its establishment, I’ve served as a Technical Advisor, supporting the establishment and commercialization of mass production technology for euglena.
Over the course of two years, as CRO, I reformed the research institute, established the basic R&D system necessary for an R&D venture company, and organized and structured it. In order to return to our roots with this organized R&D structure, I will provide even more knowledge to the management team and contribute to the promotion of business development in response to change.
Founder and Group CEO of Leave a Nest Co., Ltd./
Scientific Advisory Board of Euglena Co., Ltd.
Earned Ph.D. (Agriculture) from University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences. In 2002, while attending graduate school, Leave a Nest was established with his fellow science and engineering undergraduate and graduate students. He is pioneering and commercializing the “Cutting-Edge Science Workshop” to be delivered to schools in Japan. Classes”“Cutting-Edge-Science Delivery Lab Classes”. With his leadership, Leave a Nest currently runs “Knowledge Manufacturing” to create new business by combining technologies and knowledge in different fields. Also, he is the instigator of Tech Planter, one of Asia's largest deep tech ecosystems. He is trying to solve various Deep Issues around the world for “Global Happiness”. His major publications include “Deep Tech: Sleeping Technology' that opens up the future of our world (Nikkei BP) and “A New Era of Knowledge Manufacturing” (Leave a Nest Publishing).
■About Euglena Co., Ltd.
In 2005, the company succeeded in establishing the world's first outdoor mass cultivation technology of microalgae Euglena (Japanese name: Green Beetle) for food use. With “Sustainability First” as its Euglena philosophy, the company develops and sells food, cosmetics, and other products using microalgae Euglena and chlorella, manufactures and develops biofuels, provides genetic analysis services, and operates in the sustainable agri-tech area using unused resources, etc. Since 2014, the company has been developing businesses such as the development and sales of food products and cosmetics using microalgae and chlorella, etc. Since 2014, the company has been continuously implementing the Euglena GENKI Program, which delivers Euglena cookies rich in nutrients to children in Bangladesh.
■For inquiries
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Corporate Planning Office
Attn. to Takeda, Matsubara
Tel: +81-3-5227-4198
E-mail: [email protected]