Junior Engineers Had Their First Experience In Discovering The Science Behind Wastewater Treatment Using Fruits Peels !

Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. conducted a half-day science workshop titled Triple Fruiti: Test The Water Turbidity Workshop. It was held on 24th August 2019 at Nest-Bio Venture Lab, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM, Kuala Lumpur. The science workshop was successfully delivered by Mr. Muhammad Hafiz Hakimi Bin Mohd Zuki, Teaching Manager who is also an internship student at Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. with the assistance of Leave a Nest Malaysia members. A total of 25 students and 5 teachers from SBPI Gombak attended this workshop.
The workshop objective is to let the students discover how fruits peels can clear wastewater. Instead of using activated carbon in filtration process, the students used dried fruit peels from three different fruits.The workshop started with opening remarks from Mr. Abdul Hakim Sahidi, Managing Director of Leave a Nest Malaysia who shared the vision of the company. Students also had the opportunity to listen to a lecture on the importance of wastewater treatment process. Before the students started with the experiment, they were asked to come up with several hypotheses.
Students were guided by Teaching Assistants on how to conduct the experiment using the right lab equipment. They were also taught on how to record their observations and results accordingly. The experiment triggered a higher level of curiousity among the students and it led them to start interesting discussions with the Teaching Assistants.
At the end of the workshop, students were asked to present their experiment results. They excitedly shared about the hypothesis, observation made and conclusion. All of the group did well in their experiment and so passionate to know which of the fruit peels give the best results. In his conclusion lecture, Mr. Hafiz revealed the reasons why fruit peels can clear the wastewater and it finally answered the students’ curiousity!
Here are some of the feedbacks from the science workshop participants:
Nabila Razak, Form Four student said, “ I learned a lot such as the difference between absorption and adsorption process.”
Fathihul Ariffin, Form Four student said, “ I learned the alternative methods on filtering the wastewater by using the fruit peels instead of using activated carbon.”
From our observation, students showed great interest in conducting the experiment and they really wanted to know what are the chemical properties inside the fruit peels that can clear the wastewater. This is a good attitude of young researchers because if they have a sense of wonderment and curiosity, they will have the passion to find the answer!
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Let's join our upcoming science workshop!
Workshop Theme : Semiconductor
Date : 28th September 2019
For more details and pre-registration, please email to Mr. Ahmad Zaim ([email protected])
Tel : +60182233230