Leave a Nest Malaysia and Aerodyne Group Joined Forces To Invigorate NEST Education in Malaysia

Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Aerodyne Group have started a collaboration to invigorate NEST education in Malaysia. Sharing the same vision in bridging frontier technology from industry to society, the collaboration is two-pronged; targeting students and educators.
The first collaboration started with an original science workshop on the topic of DRONE on 7th November 2020. Leave a Nest Malaysia and Aerodyne Group brought in their respective expertise to conduct this workshop to students from primary and secondary schools all over Malaysia. Aerodyne Group strongly supported the drone workshop by selecting and curating the right content related to drone applications in real life through a series of exclusive videos. The content triggered the students to think creatively on usages of drone for activities that are humanly impossible. Branded under NEST (Nature, Engineering, Science and Technology) workshop series, the drone workshop was participated by 24 students ages 7 to 15 years old.
In the second collaboration, Aerodyne Group came in as Gold Partner in Great Teachers Seminar 2020. The is an annual program by Leave a Nest Malaysia where educators get to exchange ideas on NEST learning and teaching. Mr. Kamarulazman Mohamed, Founder and CEO of Aerodyne Group is scheduled to address educators and parents in this program. He will also share his insights on future careers related to IR4.0 in one of the panel sessions. Leave a Nest Malaysia believes that feedback and input from key industry figures is essential for reality check on the current situation of talents from science and technology backgrounds. It will challenge the educators to strive in nurturing the best talents for the future.
We hope students and educators will be inspired by the achievement of Aerodyne Group and the potential of future technology. Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is looking forward to nurture passionate educators and young technology leaders through collaboration in NEST education.
About Great Teachers Seminar
Date: 21st November 2020
Time: 10:30-17:00
Platform: Online using Zoom
For details, please visit: https://global.lne.st/news/my/2020/09/18/gts2020/