HOME > NEWS > PHILIPPINES > Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in the Philippines 2021 Session 1: “Empowering the agricultural industry with technology”

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in the Philippines 2021 Session 1: “Empowering the agricultural industry with technology”

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in the Philippines 2021 Session 1: “Empowering the agricultural industry with technology”

Most of Southeast Asia relies on agriculture, and the Philippines is not an exception. For the country, a lot of potential can be assumed for the agricultural sector, as the Philippines is blessed with natural diversity and weather that can also cultivate a wide variety of crops. Lately, the Philippine government has also realized the importance and role of agriculture in the country, and has also decided to ramp up support for this industry, either in the form of technologies and systems that will be able to support farmers and agricultural scientists to further develop the agricultural scene in the country. 

This session will consist of presentations from 3 researchers that are developing technologies that are tied with the agricultural industry, either linked to production or creation of new products from unused agricultural resources. It will be followed by a panel discussion from government and industry players that might be able to adapt these technologies and collaborate.


The Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference (HIC) in the Philippines 2021 is an initiative of the Leave a Nest Group to bring together people from different disciplines and walks of life, with the belief that a good level of diversity is the key to successful innovation. This year, the conference will be held fully online with the theme “Inclusive Disruption in an Island Nation: Disrupting with New Technologies while Maximizing Accessibility”.


Conference Details and Timeline

Date: 11 December 2021

Time: 13:00~18:00 Philippine Standard Time

Venue: Leave a Nest Broadcast 


Time Activity
13:00~13:30 Opening Ceremony
13:30~14:30 Panel Session 1: Empowering the agriculture industry with technology
14:30~15:45 Technology Splash
15:45~16:45 Panel Session 2: Connecting the archipelago for medical care
16:45~17:45 Panel Session 3: Providing technology services in the new normal
17:45~18:00 Closing Remarks



For those who are interested to watch and join the conference, click the link below to register. Please note that this requires a Leave a Nest ID account, so don’t forget to sign up first if you do not have an account yet.


<REGISTER HERE: https://id.lne.st/project/hicph2021_ticket/regist/basic_info/1>


To know more about the conference and panelists, watch out for future announcements on the website. 


For other questions and concerns, you can also contact Leave a Nest Philippines, Inc:

  • Dr. Yevgeny Dulla (ydulla@lne.st)
  • Ronrick Arayata (onic@lne.st)
  • Ronezza Delos Santos (ezza.rds@lne.st)