Mr. Ambrose Chia Participates as Panelist at NTUpreneur Undergraduates’ Fireside chat on Entrepreneurship

Leave a Nest member Mr. Ambrose Chia was honoured to attend NTUpreneur Undergraduates’ Fireside chat on Entrepreneurship hosted by Nanyang Technological University as a distinguished panelist on 14 Dec 2023 with the students from the class on Venturing into Entrepreneurship, as the attendees.
The Fireside chat on Entrepreneurship aimed to foster meaningful conversations, exchange knowledge, and provide valuable networking opportunities for attendees. As a thought leader in entrepreneurship ecosystem study, Ambrose was invited to participate alongside other Entrepreneur and Innovation experts. The panel discussion focused on Sustainable Entrepreneurship and explored current trends, challenges, and opportunities within the industry.
Ambrose shared his expertise and contributed valuable insights on some of the challenges of entrepreneurship, on how to approach the subject of what venture to embark on, either through pain point solving (Design Thinking approach), motivated by passion and driven by a commitment to address societal challenges, or a combination of both. Ambrose and the fellow panelists encouraged the students to discover that each entrepreneurship journey isn’t just about starting right after graduation or working first for another company, with examples of data from research and examples of visionary companies that have their own intrapreneurship departments. He also provided insights in solving issues, emphasising the importance of thoroughly exploring all available technological advancements, encompassing both hardware and software, or a combination of both, and the necessity of leveraging data and research to comprehensively address and solve issues.
The panel touched upon critical questions for budding entrepreneurs to ask themselves before starting a venture, such as whether the entrepreneur needs to truly have unique skills or the critical entrepreneurial mindset above his peers to succeed, or the various domains knowledge and experience gained through internships and job experiences, to gain insights into entrepreneurial mindset and skills to grow a venture.
Leaves a Nest is committed to solve issues through initiatives that often involve knowledge sharing and professional development. By actively participating in events like NTU Entrepreneur Panel Session, Leave a Nest strives to Advance Science and Technology for Global Happiness. With members with diverse backgrounds and experiences, in the fields of Science to Entrepreneurship and Human Development. Leaves a Nest is open to giving talks on careers and entrepreneurship in the Science and Deep Technology ecosystem. Interested parties can drop us an enquiry email.
Enquiry Email: info-asia”at”