Finalists Announcement for TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in UK 2018

After going through a tough selection process, nine teams have been selected as finalists. They will be presenting their technology and business ideas at TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in UK 2018 at Living Centre Francis Cricke Institute, London on 27th Oct 2018. The grand winner of TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in UK 2018 will be invited Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Japan, in March 2019.
Here are the 9 finalists for TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in UK 2018:
Team name: Remora Marine
Theme: Energy-generative systems to clean up rivers and oceans from plastic waste
Team name: InfiGear
Theme: New design of the gear that allows more power and less mechanical wear
Team name: eScent
Theme: eScent Wearable Technology
Team name: H24E Innova
Theme: For a low-carbon society: on-site, affordable hydrogen generation on demand
Theme: GREEN GROW BIO-POLYSTYRENE Novel Myco Products Eco-alternatives to Polystyrene
Team name: Spyras
Theme: Detecting life-threatening conditions from patient's breath using paper sensors
Team name: Beta Bugs
Theme: Creating new breeds of commercially farmed insects
Team name: Agrosight
Theme: Early detection of deadly diseases in Palm Oil and Citrus plantations
Team name: Flomics
Theme: Flomics – discovering the disease before first symptoms appear.
Next stage will be a series of mentoring sessions for all finalists to brush up their business models leading up to the DEMO DAY. All applicants of TECH PLANTER in UK 2018 are invited to join TECH PLAN DEMO DAY as an audience.
Overview of TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in UK 2018:
* Date: 27 Oct 2018 (Saturday)
* Time: 13:00hrs-19:00hrs UK Time
* Location: Living Centre, Francis Crick Institute
Ossulston Street, London, NW1 1DF
*Contents: Presentation, Judges review, Networking
* Website: