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CIO George Yoshida presented at Salesforce’s Dreamforce, the world’s largest software conference

CIO George Yoshida presented at Salesforce’s Dreamforce, the world’s largest software conference

We are happy to announce that our CIO Mr. George Yoshida attended Dreamforce, the world’s largest software conference, hosted by Salesforce in the United States, as one of the keynote speakers in their AI session. 


From the establishment of Leave a Nest in 2002, George has been initiating various frontier  installation tools to accelerate communication within the organization. He recently started bringing AI technologies to analyse and visualise communication nodes on our knowledge-based platform, which Salesforce regarded us as one of the leading users in the world.


On Wednesday, November 20, George was on the big stage of the Dreamforce event, offering insights and inspiration for early AI users in a session titled “Salesforce Einstein Keynote: Your AI Journey Begins Here”. With demonstration of our frontier use model, he shared how Leave a Nest started AI installation, current achievements and how are we bringing change in communication among various partners in academia, industry and startups. Attendance of Japanese speaker in Dreamforce is exactly 10 years since last time in 2008.


We have been accumulating know-how to develop and manage the best fit technologies in every phase of our organization growth, and this led us to Dreamforce participation. For those corporates and startups interested in partnering with us, we are very excited to share our experiences to accelerate business together.

You can see video from here :

<Key note Overview>

Session title : Salesforce Einstein Keynote: Your AI Journey Begins Here

Time and date:20th November, 2019 (Wed) 9:00 -10:00 a.m. (in San Francisco timezone )

Venue : Hall F 

<Dreamforce Breakout session>

Session title:Get Started with Einstein Prediction Builder (1)

Time and date19th November, 2019 (Tue) 12:30 a.m. -1:10 p.m.(in San Francisco timezone)


<Recent presentations in Japan>

Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2019 (in Japanese)

Einstein Analytics session:https://lne.st/EA2019

Pardot session:https://lne.st/pardot2019


<Contact us> 
George YOSHIDA, CIO, Leave a Nest