Dr. Kihoko Tokue Spoke to 30 Space Technology Related Startups from Thailand about the Importance of Defining Issues

Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd. Managing Director, Dr. Kihoko Tokue gave a presentation via online platform to Thailand’s space startups on 4 Aug. 2023. This was made possible with collaborative efforts with existing partner Aimspire. Aimspire has been working with Leave a Nest Singapore in Thailand to nurture a deep tech ecosystem.
Session started with a short pitch about each startups’ business. This pitch was followed by a presentation from Leave a Nest. This presentation included the importance of defining what issues startups are addressing by sharing the examples of how Leave a Nest Co., Ltd started in the first place. This presentation was aimed to give ideas to deep tech startups in Thailand to grow their business.
Every year since 2016, Leave a Nest Singapore has been conducting TECH PLANTER DEMO DAY in THAILAND. History and information on this unique deep tech startup nurturing platform was also shared on the day. In recent years, DEMO DAY in THAILAND has been conducted every July and this year the DEMO DAY was held on 22 July 2023.
Leave a Nest Singapore is always open to share knowledge to researchers, startups and corporates on how we can solve deep issues in the world with knowledge manufacturing. A new way to create symbiotic business which is suitable adjustment needed for any company to achieve sustainable business.
To find out more about how you can work with Leave a Nest Singapore, please contact us.
info “at” lne.st
attention to Maiko Miyashita, Ambrose Chia
Past talks done by Dr. Kihoko Tokue
Dr. Kihoko Tokue, co-founder of Leave a Nest Malaysia will be giving career design talks
Dr. Kihoko Tokue will be joining ISEAS-REITI joint webinar on 25th May 2021