“Connect and Collaborate” Tsunagu Research Project is back in 2021. The application is now open!

Tsunagu Research Project:
Leave a Nest will launch the Tsunagu Research Project for the 2nd year. “Tsunagu” in Japanese means to connect. Tsunagu Research Project’s main essence is for school students specifically, middle and high school students in ASEAN and Japan to get connected and collaborate with each other to practice research skills to help in solving social issues that exist to continue producing good solutions. It is the way in creating a knowledge-sharing circle according to the respective experience and expertise of young researchers by creating a knowledge circle comprised of sharing experience, working together, and discussing ideas. Last year, students from 4 countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and Japan), 7 schools in total 14 teams got together under this program. This is the unique platform for educational projects which allows the engagement between students by sharing knowledge.
Tsunagu Research Project 2021 Theme: Connect and Collaborate using Science and Technology in Creating New Sustainable Form of Agriculture
Venue: Online Platform via ZOOM
Tsunagu Research Project 2021 Timeline:
March 2021: Application Period for Schools
May 2021: Schools Selection
June 2021: Kickoff Ceremony
July 2021: Midterm 1 Meeting
September 2021: Midterm 2 Meeting
October 2021: Science Castle Malaysia(Optional)
November 2021: Science Castle ASEAN(Optional)
December 2021: Presentation Practice & Final Presentation at Science Castle Japan
January 2022: Reflection Gathering
*Subject to change
From May to December, there will be on-line research mentoring and communication via an online platform.
- Mentoring
- Experiment
- Online Discussion
- Presentation
Photo: Tsunagu Research Project at Science Castle Japan 2020
We are currently opening the application for schools participating in this project and welcome corporate partners.
Register now by 30th April 2021.
For School registration, kindly click here: https://lne.st/4gm3
Or Scan the QR Code:
For more information, kindly contact: [email protected]
Attention to:
JP: Dr. Togami
MY: Mr. Zaim or Ms. Ummu
PH: Dr. Yev
SG: Dr. Tokue
Kindly visit our previous post about Tsunagu Research Project: