Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Forum Session “Future-Proofing Career In The Fast-Changing World” Panelists Announcement!

Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is proud to announce Panelists for Forum Session in the Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021 (CDFMY 2021).
The event will be held as below:
Date: 27th March 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30-11:30 (MYT), 11:30-12:30 (JST)
Venue: Online Platform via ZOOM
The topic of “Future-Proofing Career In The Fast-Changing World” will discuss the possible requirements and pathways for graduates leading to having successful careers in the future. Participants will get to discover the trends and career industry insights from one of the representatives from key industry players, researchers and entrepreneurs. They will get to learn how to prepare wisely to step into new opportunities in the future research and career with the people from interdisciplinary fields to help accelerate human resource mobility and open innovation.
Here are the honourable Panelists in Forum Session:
Panelist 1:
Dr. Sarena Che Omar
Senior Research Associate,
Khazanah Research Institute.
Dr. Sarena is a senior research associate at Khazanah Research Institute. She has a PhD in Plant Sciences from the University of Oxford under the Yayasan Khazanah scholarship programme. Her PhD used genetic technologies to better understand disease control affecting the globally important crop: paddy. Due to her interests in agriculture and food security, Dr Sarena is currently conducting policy research related to food security and agriculture.
Panelist 2:
Mr. Nigesh Armon
Head of Solutions & Services,
Leaderonomics Digital.
Currently, Mr. Nigesh is the Head of Solutions & Services creating the wrap around experiences for digital tools introduced by Leaderonomics Digital. He owns and defines the overall structure, organisation and business for Necole, a Malaysian made Contextual Learning Experience Platform, placing the power of learning in the learner’s hands.
Panelist 3:
Mr. Kai Chua
Linkstuffs Pte. Ltd.
Kai is the CEO of Linkstuffs Pte Ltd, a tech solution company for Manufacturing Industry which focuses on failure prediction with the mission to increase the machine overall efficiency using data, AI and computer vision. He also has the opportunity to be featured on media like FutureIoT, MoneyFM and The Asian Entrepreneur. Being graduated as an engineer, he is a very gifted problem solver and is highly analytical. He is a member of Mensa Singapore and also a qualified and experienced NLP coach. Meanwhile, he is also the President of JCI Marina (Singapore), a non-profit organisation focusing on youth development.
REGISTER NOW and grab the chance to meet and interact with our Panelists!
About Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021 (CDFMY 2021)
CDF MY 2021 providing a unique platform for technology enthusiasts to discover a career path by providing a unique direct engagement platform, allow the exchange of ideas that can contribute to new solutions for the industry, provide the opportunity for employers to identify potential talents within Southeast Asia and to provide visibility of corporate branding in the Southeast Asian region.
Following the original concept of CDF Japan, this event will have several key activities which include guided discussions to encourage direct engagement between corporations and university graduates. These activities will be facilitated by Science Bridge Communicators of Leave a Nest and are meant to understand graduates’ career aspirations and value their fresh new perspectives in approaching issues within the industry.
*Participants pre-registration dateline: 25th March 2021 (Thursday). Based on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not miss this opportunity and kindly pre-register to book your seat.
Previous CDF posts:
Read about Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Calling for Technology Enthusiasts to join!
Read about Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Announcing The Keynote Speaker
Kindly visit CDF MY Website:
For more information or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us:
[email protected] (Attention to Ms. Ummu or Mr. Zaim)