CDF MY 2021: Successfully conducted. Thank you very much for joining us.

Leave a Nest Malaysia would like to extend appreciation to everyone who joined our Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021 (CDF MY 2021) on 27th March 2021. CDF MY 2021 was successfully conducted online via ZOOM and broadcasted on Youtube: Leave a Nest Asia and Facebook: MYBIOSA. A total of 103 attendees participated in the online event. These are the highlights of the event.
Kindly visit the Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia website for the event schedule:
The event kicked off with the Welcoming and Opening Remarks by Ms. Ummu Alyaa Binti Hashim, Project Leader of CDF MY 2021.
Welcoming and Opening Remarks by Ms. Ummu Alyaa
Succeeding with the Keynote Speech by the honorable Keynote Speaker, Dr. Rahmat Shazi.
Keynote Speech:
Keynote Speech delivered by Dr. Rahmat Shazi
Keynote Speech Title: “Nurturing Innovators and Creative Thinkers Through Innovative Work Behaviours”
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rahmat Shazi, Technology Director, ShazInnovation Solution.
Summary: Dr. Rahmat Shazi addressed the challenges faced by our graduated students to get a higher value job and requirements from the industry to hire them. He shared that it is important for graduates to have innovative work behaviour for them to be hired by the industry. To have this innovative work behaviour, graduates need to have the innovation value chain which is problem identification, generate ideas, championing ideas, and idea realization.
Followed by Forum Session in which information sharing took place. Leave a Nest Malaysia member, Ms. Ummu Alyaa was the moderator for this session.
Forum Session:
Forum Session: “Future-Proofing Career In The Fast-Changing World”
Title: “Future-Proofing Career In The Fast-Changing World”
Panelist 1: Dr. Sarena Che Omar, Senior Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute.
Panelist 2: Mr. Nigesh Armon, Head of Solutions & Services, Leaderonomics Digital.
Panelist 3: Mr. Kai Chua, CEO, Linkstuffs Pte. Ltd.
Moderator: Ms. Ummu Alyaa Binti Hashim, Research Development Division, Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Summary: The panelists shared their career journey based on their own experience and discussed the challenges in career development especially in the fast-changing world. Career is not limited to one particular field. In this fast-changing world, traits and characters are important. Millennials have to adapt and equip themselves with important skills in order to endure a career in this fast-changing world. Communication skills, always be flexible, learn quickly, be humble and never stop learning are important traits to exercise. Exercise leadership in the task and the thinking process is one of the most important that help individuals grow.
The session followed was the introduction of companies and the discussion theme for the Mini Career Workshop.
Company Pitching Presentation by Participating Companies
Company Pitching & Mini Career Workshop by Participating Companies:
- Ira Noah Plt.
- Top Glove Corporation Berhad
- Linkstuffs Pte. Ltd.
- euglena Co., Ltd.
- Robopreneur Sdn. Bhd.
- ShazInnovation Solution.
- NEXPlatform Sdn. Bhd.
- Internspoon Sdn. Bhd.
Ms. Idarahayu giving the closing remarks
The event wrapped up by the Director of Leave a Nest Malaysia, Ms. Idarahayu giving a closing speech as CDF Project Manager. She shared a brief history of the first CDF MY and the key takeaways of CDF MY for participants to keep an open mind, be creative, communicate with the industry about their ideas and needs, own the things that you do, and be brave and urge to explore and learn as much as possible. CDF is the platform.
Our highest appreciation goes to our partners:
Strategic Partner: Cyberview Sdn. Bhd.
Session Partner: Top Glove Corporation Berhad.
Participating Companies:
- Ira Noah Plt.
- Top Glove Corporation Berhad.
- Linkstuffs Pte. Ltd.
- euglena Co., Ltd.
- Robopreneur Sdn. Bhd.
- ShazInnovation Solution.
- NEXPlatform Sdn. Bhd.
- Internspoon Sdn. Bhd.
Supporting Partners:
- Malaysia Biotechnology Students’ Association (MYBIOSA)
- Malaysian Bioscience Scholars (MBIOS)
- Globalizing Malaysian Talents (GMT)
- Skills and Career for Youth (SKY)
- Malaysian Students’ Council of Australia (MASCA)
- Malaysian Students’ Association in Japan (MSAJ)
- Kelab Bunga Raya Jepun (KBR Jepun)
We would like to extend our gratitude to all participants for attending the event and aspire together towards advancing Science and Technology for global happiness!
See you in the next CDF MY 2022!
Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Calling for Technology Enthusiasts to join!
Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Announcing The Keynote Speaker
Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Forum Session “Future-Proofing Career In The Fast-Changing World” Panelists Announcement!
Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2021: Partners Announcement
Please find more details of each program at our CDF official website:
Reach out to us at [email protected]