S.T. Corporation’s L-Grant Awards Promotes Air-Care Research Collaboration in Malaysia

ST Corporation, a renowned Japanese leader in air-care technologies, has taken a significant step towards fostering research and collaboration in Malaysia through the introduction of the L-Grant ST Corporation Award. The objective of this initiative is to expand ST Corporation’s understanding of air-care research and related technologies in Malaysia, while building bridges for future collaboration with local universities and researchers.
In partnership with Leave a Nest Malaysia, this initiative aims to create a vibrant ecosystem for air-care innovations by gathering and selecting promising research projects that align with the company’s goals. The L-Grant ST Corporation Award is the first L-Grant award to be presented in collaboration with a corporation, marking a pivotal moment in bridging academia and industry to explore new frontiers in air-care technology.
Objective and Process
ST Corporation’s overarching goal with this award is to understand air-care-related research and regulatory frameworks in Malaysia, while opening avenues for collaboration with leading universities. Through Leave a Nest Malaysia's support, 30 applicants were gathered from various universities across Malaysia, offering a diverse range of research proposals.
The selection process involved a thorough screening of proposals based on their alignment with ST Corporation’s objectives, as well as the uniqueness and innovation of each idea. A total of 8 candidates were shortlisted from the 30 applicants, representing 5 leading Malaysian universities. The interview process took place between 28th June and 17th July 2024.
L-Grant ST Corporation Awards Recipients
The five recipients of the L-Grant ST Corporation Award are (in no particular order):
- Dr. Muhamad Hanif bin Rawi – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Project: Evaluating the Efficacy of Traditional Malaysian Practices for Odour Neutralization in Kitchens - Dr. Nor Azura Sulong – Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Project: Harnessing Succulents as Natural Air Purifiers: A Phytoremediation Technology - Dr. Mohd Fareed Mohd Sairi – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Project: Bioprospecting of Actinomycetes and Their Volatile Organic Compounds (VoC) from Air - Dr. Fadhlina Che Ros – National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM)
Project: Study on Natural Substances and Bio-based Essential Oils for Multiple Applications, Especially Insect Repellents
- Dr. Nor Hawani Salikin – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Project: Investigating the Effect of Fragrance on Animal Behavior and Health Using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model Organism
Each of these innovative projects offers unique insights into air-care technologies and applications, ranging from odour neutralisation methods rooted in traditional practices to bioprospecting for natural air-purifying agents.
On 21st August 2024, the awarding ceremony was held at Center of Garage Malaysia (COG MY). The awarding ceremony gathers all the grant recipients; Dr. Nor Hawani Salikin (USM), Dr. Hanif Rawi (UMS), Dr. Nor Azura (UiTM), Dr. Fadhlina (UPNM) and Dr. Mohd Fareed (UKM). The awarding ceremony also provides an opportunity for the recipient to network with each other and communicate with the S.T. Corporation executives who were present during the event; Mr. Yosuke Maeda and Mr. Soirin Okudaira. Fruitful discussions and brilliant potential next steps were initiated during the event, as the grant recipients enthusiastically shared their thoughts and ideas with ST Corporation representatives. Leave a Nest hopes that this will be the beginning of a long term research collaboration between ST Corporation and the Malaysian research communities.
A group photo of ST Corporation representatives with all awardees taken at COG MY. From left: Dr. Mohd Fareed (UKM), Dr. Hanif Rawi (UMS), Mr. Maeda, Mr. Okudaira, Dr. Hawani (USM), Dr. Azura (UiTM), and Dr. Fadhlina (UPNM).
About S.T. Corporation:
ST Corporation is a leading Japanese air-care company known for its innovative products in air fresheners, deodorizers, and insect repellents. With a commitment to sustainability and technological advancement, S.T. Corporation continues to explore solutions that improve air quality and enhance the overall living environment.
Website: https://www.st-c.co.jp/english/