思い – Haruka’s Blog, Leave a Neat Singapore

1 month into Leave a Nest and I did start thinking about my past workplace.
Some of us may feel if we have made the right choice when making a big decision. Previously I was in the Public Service and being an officer of the government, entities tend to come to you instead of the other way around.
Here in Leave a Nest, it is a private company. When we run an event or want to partner with another entity, we have to make the effort to establish that connection. This is a new approach for me and honestly, quite a challenge. By treading this path, I think a person can become a more holistic person.
This week I learnt more of the business development and company side of things and even got to sit in to a meeting on the formation of a new company. Apart from that, I also caught a glimpse of the core mission of Japanese subsidiaries in Singapore and the limitations set by those subsidiaries. This would help in the coming months when talking to Japanese MNCs.
Thank you and till next week!
Haruka Takeda
Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd.
If you are interested in joining us, feel free to contact [email protected]