28 Apr. 2022 NEST Career Design Seminar Series with CROWN DIGITAL

Go to this post for updated information LINK
Leave a Nest Group is composed of various members with different expertise, skill sets and personalities yet there is one thing that ties us together. That is our vision “Advancing Science and Technology for Global Happiness”
We are looking for members who would like to join us under this vision and are willing to add on their “colour” to the company so we can create the history of Leave a Nest Journey together here in Singapore. Either you are a new member or have been with the company longer, we believe each and every member is capable of contributing and exercising leadership.
Leave a Nest is also working closely with various startups to bring their business into the world. Up coming events include TECH PLANTER DEMO DAY in Singapore which will be on 28 May 2022.
Title: NEST Career Design Seminar
Date: 28 Apr 2022
Time: 17:00-18:00
Platform: Zoom
17:00-17:15 Leave a Nest Introduction
17:15-17:30 CROWN DIGITAL Mr. Keith Tan
17:30-17:45 Q&A and free discussion time
Mr. Keith Tan, Founder and CEO of CROWN DIGITAL
Mr Keith Tan, Founder and CEO of Crown Digital. Keith is a wealth manager turned entrepreneur. In 2016, Keith recognized that Asia’s coffee offerings were not meeting the expectations or needs of all consumers. To solve this issue, Keith assembled a team of technologists, baristas, and coffee lovers to explore how cutting-edge robotics and zero-touch technology could bring Asia’s time-pressed commuters a consistently perfect cup of coffee. The result was “ELLA”, the robot barista. True to Keith’s original vision of addressing the commuter whitespace, ELLA has been embraced by some of the busiest commuter hubs in Asia, with industry players including East Japan Railway Company and Stellar Lifestyle bringing ELLA to Singapore and Japan’s subway systems.
Dr. Kihoko Tokue, Managing Director Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd. will be sharing about her career journey and more.
Past Career Talks she joined in 2021
Dr. Kihoko Tokue, co-founder of Leave a Nest Malaysia will be giving career design talks
Dr. Kihoko Tokue will be joining ISEAS-REITI joint webinar on 25th May 2021
For registration click HERE
Looking forward to meeting our future members on one of the sessions
For other sessions visit here