Hyper-Interdisciplinary Conference in Malaysia 2021: Announcing Keynote Speakers

Hyper-Interdisciplinary Conference in Malaysia 2021 will be happening in less than 2 weeks on 16th January 2021.
Therefore, Leave a Nest is proud to announce the keynote speakers for the conference.
Please find their details as follows:
Keynote 1: “Cyberjaya, From Intelligent City Planning into Smart City”
Talking about Smart City in Malaysia, most people will think about Cyberjaya where previous Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir launched back in 1997 for the city to be the cybercity of the country and drive the nation into Information Age. Moving forward after 24 years since the ground breaking, Cyberjaya has reached the milestone where it has the right scale and mass, and most importantly, the proven track record in supporting local and international companies to grow and prosper. The city also have been go through multiple changes of direction and mandate according to each governments changes. In this session, we will hear the experience from Cyberview, the City Manager that has given the authority to develop Cyberjaya not only as a smart city but to become the Global Technology Hub.
Ms. Athirah Tan Abdullah, Manager, Innovation & Industry Development, Technology Hub Development Division Cyberview Sdn. Bhd.
Speaker Profile:
Athirah Tan Abdullah joined Cyberview in 2014 . She works closely with the ecosystem, and is instrumental to the Cyberjaya Global Technology Hub blueprint, it’s launch and implementation. She is involved in project management, strategising, facilitation and engagements with ministries, government departments, regulators, agencies, project owners and startups in various Living Lab Pilots, media launches, city-data hackathons, industry working groups and government advisory panels of Smart City for Cyberjaya. She is a communications specialist with over 22 years with work experience in consumer & multimedia consumer bureau, multinational companies of major economic sectors including retail, services and property. She is also ABE and Prince2 certified.
Keynote 2: “Off-Grid Innovation In Palm Oil Industry”
Speaker: Prof. Dato’ Dr Ali Hassan, Head, Biorefinery Complex, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Speaker Profile:
Prof Dato’ Ali joined UPM in 1980. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience. He is an elected member of the UPM Senate, and currently serves as Board Member UPM. Prof Dato’ Ali has worked extensively on international biomass, bioenergy and zero-emission projects throughout his career. He managed to set up the Serdang Biomass Town and Biorefinery in UPM campus, since 2012. He led the international SATREPS project on biomass and zero emission project at the palm oil mill funded by JICA-JST (Japan) and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia from 2013-2018, with a total funding of Yen 400 Million from Japan and RM3 Million from KPM Malaysia. Currently Prof Dato’ Ali is Vice President of Asia Federation of Biotechnology, President of Asia Federation of Biotechnology Malaysia Chapter and a Committee Member of Biomass Asia Association.
If you are interested to listen to their presentation, please join us by registering HERE or visit our official event website : https://hiconf.lne.st/conference/malaysia2021
See details of other sessions here:
Session 1 (ENERGY)
Session 2 (WASTE)
Session 3 (DRONE)
Looking forward to meet you at Hyper-Interdisciplinary Conference in Malaysia 2021!