Exclusive Session for Educators in Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2018!

Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is honoured to welcome Professor Dr. Lilia Halim as a speaker in the Career Compass session. Professor Dr. Lilia Halim is from Centre of STEM Enculturation, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and an expert in education policy and leadership.
Professor Dr. Lilia will be sharing about “STEM’s Teaching Challenge and How Will This Impact The Skills Required for Jobs in The Future?”. This is an exclusive session designed for educators who are looking to gain deeper insights from a highly respected expert in STEM educational learning research. Professor Dr. Lilia will be sharing about her new research findings and impart her valuable knowledge on how educators can further strengthen their STEM teaching method. The correct teaching method is key ingredient in creating global young leaders in science and technology. Educators will have the privilege to engage with Professor Dr. Lilia in Advisory Session after the session.
Speaker’s Profile:
Professor Dr. Lilia Halim completed her bachelors degree in Canada and later pursue her master’s degree and doctoral in United Kingdom. She also has a Diploma in Education. She specializes in Physics and Science Education.
Have an exclusive discussion with Professor Dr. Lilia at Career Discovery Forum in Malaysia 2018!
Register today!
Career Discovery Forum 2018
Date: 20th October 2018
Time: 10.00am – 5.00pm
Venue: Sandbox Cafe and Co., Kompleks Inkubator Inovasi Universiti Malaya, Level 2 Unit 6A, Lingkungan Budi, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur.